Tuesday 1 November 2016

Mighty Inferences

My Reflection :
For this task we had to read a little paragraph and make inferences to answer the question related to the story, what inference is finding out something that the author doesn't tell you.  I will use this work in the future because it will help me with movies and stuff.  My next step is to make more detailed and logical inferences.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


My Reflection :
In class we have been learning to classify angles.  We learnt the type, size and what they look like.  I will use this work in the future because this will help me with my work in Intermediate.  The best part about this learning would've been finding pictures for each slide.  My next step is to learn the ABC angles or IDA (The finding angles using the letters) Better).

Friday 14 October 2016

Camp Merc Recount

My Reflection
I found this easy because all I had to do is copy it from my test papers and just add a bit.  My next step is to use a bigger/more increased describing words.

Monday 12 September 2016

Visualizing Task : The Evil Drinking Fountain

My Reflection :
I found this funny because we could create the origins the drinking fountain/how it became evil.  This was based of a story called 'The Evil Drinking Fountain' (By Rachel Stedman - School Journal Level 3 Febuary 2012), the reason behind this was because our group 'The Durty Dabbaz' was reading it.  My next step is to add more detailed art.