My Reflection
For the Dolphin swimmers we go every Tuesdays and Thursdays, we practice floating, streamlining, front crawl, starfish. At the start we do warm-ups like run around the pool or we had to try sit down with our legs crossed at the bottom of the pool, and we also did something called Jack in the box, were you jump three times and, go under the third for as long as you can. At the end of each session we have free time., after free time we get changed in the changing rooms by the pool.Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!
Monday, 23 November 2015
Mathetics Gold
In November 13th 2015 I earned my first Gold !. But sadly I've only got one because I didn't really play Mathletics that much. I didn't know that I was going to get one because I thought I only had got sixteen bronzes.
Friday, 20 November 2015
The Three Little Ninjas
My reflection
For this task we had to write about a fairy tale but we could change it and move things around. I thought this was fun because we got to change lots of things around. I did this task with Johnny. My next step is to use better words than said and much better describing words/ideas.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Week 6 Term 4
Bike skills
On Wednesday(18th November 2015)we did Bike Skills again, but this time it was a little bit different because, they put out obstacles like a squashed fire hose that we had to ride along(without going off track)and the other activity was that we had to go through two cones that were called 'Gates'. These Gates were setup in a Zig-Zag and we had to ride through them.
First of all when we got there, Kelly was setting-up cones for the beginners so Sataly(I think that's how you spell it)introduced her self.
After we got into our groups, my group was called the MMR's (I'm sure I've told you this in my previous Bike Skills Blog recount). Then we had to get our helmets, there were Small, Medium and Large, and I chose Medium.
Next Kelly toke the groups one-by-one to get their bikes and after we got our bikes, Kelly explained what we were doing, we were practicing using our brakes, but this time the course was set-up differently so that it was going downhill, and when we reached the end we had to brake.
After we had to go to the other course that was set up for us, it had two course's that were the same, so going group by group would go toooooooooooooo long, so my group(MMR's) and Peperoni pizza combined so really we were one big group, and that's what the other side did too.
Finally we did the course one by one. When we finished we just rode across the squashed hose, then we out the bikes back and put our helmets away. The End
On Wednesday(18th November 2015)we did Bike Skills again, but this time it was a little bit different because, they put out obstacles like a squashed fire hose that we had to ride along(without going off track)and the other activity was that we had to go through two cones that were called 'Gates'. These Gates were setup in a Zig-Zag and we had to ride through them.
First of all when we got there, Kelly was setting-up cones for the beginners so Sataly(I think that's how you spell it)introduced her self.
After we got into our groups, my group was called the MMR's (I'm sure I've told you this in my previous Bike Skills Blog recount). Then we had to get our helmets, there were Small, Medium and Large, and I chose Medium.
Next Kelly toke the groups one-by-one to get their bikes and after we got our bikes, Kelly explained what we were doing, we were practicing using our brakes, but this time the course was set-up differently so that it was going downhill, and when we reached the end we had to brake.
After we had to go to the other course that was set up for us, it had two course's that were the same, so going group by group would go toooooooooooooo long, so my group(MMR's) and Peperoni pizza combined so really we were one big group, and that's what the other side did too.
Finally we did the course one by one. When we finished we just rode across the squashed hose, then we out the bikes back and put our helmets away. The End
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Ways people speak
My reflection
I did this with Johnny and Ridwan, for this task we had to fill out all of these little tasks that were related to "Ways people speak". I thought this was easy because the mini tasks were easy.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Reading follow-up
My reflection
For this task we had to read the story "Thumbelina", then we had to find Adverbs, Similes and Adjectives, I didn't really find much Similes or Adverbs because I don't really understand what Similes or Adverbs, but I did find LOTS of Adjectives. I thought this was easy because I got help. My next step is to add more Adverbs and Similes next time.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Narrative Writing
My reflection
I did this task with Johnny and Braxton, for this we had to choose a fairy tales, and remake it how we wanted to(Fractured fairy tales). I thought this was easy and fun because we could make our own fairy tale.
Week 5 Term 4
Bike skills
On Wednesday the Year 5's went to Bike skills, if your wandering what bike skills is then its just improving/make you more confident when riding your bike.
First, when we got there, Kerry introduced herself, and so did her assistant. So when they finished we had to line up, in our groups my group was called 'Mountain Marshmallow Riders' also our group short name is the 'MMR' so then we had to choose a helmet there were three types, large, medium and small I choose medium because that's how big my head is.
Then we had to go up to grab our BMX bikes, so first of all we had to practice braking, then after we had to practice indicating with our arm's.
Finally, it was time for FREE TIME, so for free time we had to ride around the field twice, next we finished up by taking off our helmets, and putting them in their piles. The End
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Week 4 Term 4
Handball squash
This is a game that Quinn made up, its squash but a few rules were added, and it's with a handball.
So first are the rules, first if the handball goes out your out, if you hit the handball and it does not bounce and it hits the wall your out, if it bounces and hits the wall and if the handball bounces off the wall and goes out your out, if you throw the ball and it hits the wall and the ground then its paper scissors rock, if the person who did a corner(that's what we call when the ball hits the ground and wall at the same time)loses then they are out, but however if they win then they are still in, we use one square, and the wall beside that certain square and however there are no TRICKS, because everyone thinks that's unfair.
So now we just played it today and Johnny or Quinn won the most games in a row, I almost went around the world but I just got myself out, in my opinion I think this is fun, because I love Handball, this morning only me and Johnny were here so Johnny and I practised(really that's what we do every morning).
This is a game that Quinn made up, its squash but a few rules were added, and it's with a handball.
So first are the rules, first if the handball goes out your out, if you hit the handball and it does not bounce and it hits the wall your out, if it bounces and hits the wall and if the handball bounces off the wall and goes out your out, if you throw the ball and it hits the wall and the ground then its paper scissors rock, if the person who did a corner(that's what we call when the ball hits the ground and wall at the same time)loses then they are out, but however if they win then they are still in, we use one square, and the wall beside that certain square and however there are no TRICKS, because everyone thinks that's unfair.
So now we just played it today and Johnny or Quinn won the most games in a row, I almost went around the world but I just got myself out, in my opinion I think this is fun, because I love Handball, this morning only me and Johnny were here so Johnny and I practised(really that's what we do every morning).
Narrative writing
My reflection
For this task we had to choose a book on display in the classroom , or watch a video that the teachers found, or we could go to these two pages that had a Fairy tale. I thought this was easy because I had the book with me. My next step is to add more information and detail for my text.
Determining Credibillty
My reflection
We had to find out information about the two websites, one was Dog island and the other was called Dog resort. We had to tick YES if the website had it, or NO if the website didn't have it,also the amount of YES proved if the website was trustworthy so 0-13 meant it was a dud ,and a terrible website , 13-17 meant it you had to proceed with caution and 18-22 means that the site was a WINNER. I did this task with Johnny. I thought this was easy because all the info was all in one place.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Quinns birthday
On Sunday Quinn invited Rhys , Johnny and I to his birthday party is was at a place called Skateland.
When we got there we got our tickets and with those tickets you had to choose which skates you wanted there was Inlineskates or Rollarskates and also the cool thing was that if you didn't like the skates or size then you could swap them.
First I chose Rollar stakes and everyone else chose Inline stakes , I didn't really like Rollar skates so I changed to Inline skates , I didn't really get the hang of it so I stuck to the side of the rink
After that it was time to eat , everyone took a handful of lollies , to be honest I mostly ate the carrot sticks because I love carrots.
When we finished the person who was playing the music announced that there was going to be age group races Quinn won the 11 and under race and the next few were like skating backwards for the grown ups and the Monkey crawl(which was for everyone).
When we finished skating we drop Rhys off and Johnny and My parents were waiting at Quinn's place/house The End.
On Sunday Quinn invited Rhys , Johnny and I to his birthday party is was at a place called Skateland.
When we got there we got our tickets and with those tickets you had to choose which skates you wanted there was Inlineskates or Rollarskates and also the cool thing was that if you didn't like the skates or size then you could swap them.
First I chose Rollar stakes and everyone else chose Inline stakes , I didn't really like Rollar skates so I changed to Inline skates , I didn't really get the hang of it so I stuck to the side of the rink
After that it was time to eat , everyone took a handful of lollies , to be honest I mostly ate the carrot sticks because I love carrots.
When we finished the person who was playing the music announced that there was going to be age group races Quinn won the 11 and under race and the next few were like skating backwards for the grown ups and the Monkey crawl(which was for everyone).
When we finished skating we drop Rhys off and Johnny and My parents were waiting at Quinn's place/house The End.
Author bias :Reading follow-up
My reflection
For this task we had to make up an article or use a real one but I made this one up. We had to type to versions of the same article one had to be Biased the other had to be balanced.I thought this was easy because Mrs.Cartwright helped me.
Character description writing 3
My reflection
For this task we had to write a character description about our Nana or Grandpa. I found this tricky because I didn't know how to explain it. My next step is to add more detail in my text
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Week 2 Term 4
The Library
Yesterday(Monday 19th October)our class went to the Library Mrs.Graham took us , the class. First we were talking about Non-fiction books and how they have a diagram to help explain/support the facts we talked about that for a while I think lots of people learnt new things.
Next when we finished we had to browse for non-fiction books I started reading these books about space my first book about space was called "Black Holes" then my second/final book I read was "How deep is Outer Space" I think how deep is outer space was way more interesting than black holes , also in that time we had to be quiet.
After that finished we got to browse(it wasn't non-fiction books)I found this book called "Spirit animals" and got really into it but sadly I didn't get to finished it because we had to go back down on to the mat(In the library)well Mrs.Graham read us a book called Though the pages (I think that's what it's called), out of my opinion + the classes i'm pretty sure they all thought it was rubbish because we had no idea what was going on in the story .
Next when we finished the story some people got their book's and Mrs.Graham ask some people to tidy up the book marker , by the time we reached the door the bell went for the Morning eating . So by the time we(the boys)went to the cloak bay the door was locked and Nadia went around to unlock the door so everybody went to Morning tea.
Yesterday(Monday 19th October)our class went to the Library Mrs.Graham took us , the class. First we were talking about Non-fiction books and how they have a diagram to help explain/support the facts we talked about that for a while I think lots of people learnt new things.
Next when we finished we had to browse for non-fiction books I started reading these books about space my first book about space was called "Black Holes" then my second/final book I read was "How deep is Outer Space" I think how deep is outer space was way more interesting than black holes , also in that time we had to be quiet.
After that finished we got to browse(it wasn't non-fiction books)I found this book called "Spirit animals" and got really into it but sadly I didn't get to finished it because we had to go back down on to the mat(In the library)well Mrs.Graham read us a book called Though the pages (I think that's what it's called), out of my opinion + the classes i'm pretty sure they all thought it was rubbish because we had no idea what was going on in the story .
Next when we finished the story some people got their book's and Mrs.Graham ask some people to tidy up the book marker , by the time we reached the door the bell went for the Morning eating . So by the time we(the boys)went to the cloak bay the door was locked and Nadia went around to unlock the door so everybody went to Morning tea.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Fact or Opinion
My reflection
For this we had to find out what was a fact and what was an opinion . For the start (the first activity on this page)I got mixed/confused with the Facts and Opinion. I thought this was tricky because the part where you have to find three facts about the person who the author is talking about.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Probability with Yahtzee follow-up
My reflection
I was learning to express what is more likely or less likely. I had to answer questions that were based on probability and also do things based around using dice. I thought it was tricky because I got stuck on a question.
The holidays
The holidays
In the holidays , my sisters went down to my Nana's for one week. In that time I helped Mum with lots of things(mainly cleaning). I thought it was kind of boring because there was nothing to do, so I just watched TV and went outside. The other thing was that we visited a Kohanga reo for my little brother , usually my Dad looked after at home well my Mum was at work , but instead Acc was finding a job for him and he had to do that for 4 weeks , anyway we'll we were at the Kohanga my Mum and Dad were sorting out things , my brother and I had watch our little brother outside , we couldn't be too loud because they(the 4 year olds I think)were sleeping , after that we went home. When my sisters came home I groaned because they always annoy me. Well that's basically what I did.
In the holidays , my sisters went down to my Nana's for one week. In that time I helped Mum with lots of things(mainly cleaning). I thought it was kind of boring because there was nothing to do, so I just watched TV and went outside. The other thing was that we visited a Kohanga reo for my little brother , usually my Dad looked after at home well my Mum was at work , but instead Acc was finding a job for him and he had to do that for 4 weeks , anyway we'll we were at the Kohanga my Mum and Dad were sorting out things , my brother and I had watch our little brother outside , we couldn't be too loud because they(the 4 year olds I think)were sleeping , after that we went home. When my sisters came home I groaned because they always annoy me. Well that's basically what I did.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Fact finding in Non-fiction texts
My reflection
I was learning to summarise information by skimming and scanning . I had to find three articles , one had to be a National article , the next one had to be a sports article and the final article was our own choice(This website is Kiwi kids news). I thought it was fun because we could chose a article of our own choice. My next step is to practice finding the main ideas.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Kensukes kingdom - Character interview
My reflection
For this we had to pretend that one person was Michael's parents , well the other was the interviewer. I think I did well with asking the questions(I was the interviewer and Johnny was Michael parents).
3D Shapes
My reflection
For this geometry task , we had to figure how many faces , vertices and edges each shape had and we also had to name them as well.
What is Multiplication ?
My reflection
For this maths task we had to learn everything about multiplication , we had to play Mathletics , play games and watch a video. My next step is to learn multiplication in hundreds
Thursday, 24 September 2015
The Ultimate School Day
My reflection
I thought this was really fun because we got to customize our own school day. Mrs Melville said that the winners would get to do their school day.I did this with Johnny. The ultimate school day will be on Friday 25th September 2015.
I thought this was really fun especially when you get to create you own school day.
Kensuke's kingdom:Extending knowlegde - Michael morpurgo
My reflection
For this we (Quinn and I)had to write the definition of these words that are found in Kensuke's kingdom , first , you had to think what the word meant then you had to look it up.I thought this was interesting because I learnt what these words meant.
Colour poem
My reflection
I thought this was really fun , it was really hard to think of the topic for my colour. I did this with Johnny and Calvin on Google drive. I thought this poetry task was really fun. My next step is to use more exciting sentences.
Recount : Koanga festival
Have you ever done a kapa haka performance ?
On a cold windy Saturday it was the Koanga festival and mostly all the kapa haka (not all)groups have been waiting for the whole year.
First we had to go up to Room 27 at Elim Collage and wait outside because the girl's were getting changed and ready, well we were waiting the boys got mokos on both cheeks. some people got special forehead mokos because they were either leading a song or a haka.
Next the girl's finally finished, so the boys had to get changed behind a bookshelf(can you believe this !?)
After that we went though our performance twice but in the middle of our second practise it was time to perform.
We lined up behind a black board and straight up ahead I could see the stage.We walked up on the stage(in our lines)finally we performed , I got really nervous but I managed to get over it soon enough.
After we finished , everyone walked of stage and went behind this black fabric and a path lead us outside. We walked back up to Room 27 to get changed the same way we did before.
Finally when we finished we sat down and did a Karakia and finished up
In conclusion I hoped that this recount was great
On a cold windy Saturday it was the Koanga festival and mostly all the kapa haka (not all)groups have been waiting for the whole year.
First we had to go up to Room 27 at Elim Collage and wait outside because the girl's were getting changed and ready, well we were waiting the boys got mokos on both cheeks. some people got special forehead mokos because they were either leading a song or a haka.
Next the girl's finally finished, so the boys had to get changed behind a bookshelf(can you believe this !?)
After that we went though our performance twice but in the middle of our second practise it was time to perform.
We lined up behind a black board and straight up ahead I could see the stage.We walked up on the stage(in our lines)finally we performed , I got really nervous but I managed to get over it soon enough.
After we finished , everyone walked of stage and went behind this black fabric and a path lead us outside. We walked back up to Room 27 to get changed the same way we did before.
Finally when we finished we sat down and did a Karakia and finished up
In conclusion I hoped that this recount was great
Monday, 31 August 2015
Kapa Haka
Kapa haka
Today (31st August) us the Elm park kapa haka group preformed in front of the whole school and another Kapa haka group, after our performance they performed for us , they were a bilingual class in South Auckland. They were really loud(My own opinion)something they could probably work on making they're actions stronger but overall they were great! . After that when the whole school left the auditorium the kapa haka group(Elm park's)(My group)waited for the other Kapa haka to get changed ,we sang songs and finally we got into a huge circle and we had to stand with the other Kapa haka group , we sang a song(I forgot the name)then we said the karakia and DONE!!!!
Today (31st August) us the Elm park kapa haka group preformed in front of the whole school and another Kapa haka group, after our performance they performed for us , they were a bilingual class in South Auckland. They were really loud(My own opinion)something they could probably work on making they're actions stronger but overall they were great! . After that when the whole school left the auditorium the kapa haka group(Elm park's)(My group)waited for the other Kapa haka to get changed ,we sang songs and finally we got into a huge circle and we had to stand with the other Kapa haka group , we sang a song(I forgot the name)then we said the karakia and DONE!!!!
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Art Exhibition : Paint my world
Art exhibition
Today (27 August 2015) We went to look at the art exhibition in the auditorium there were lots of amazing artworks there, Room 29/28 My classroom did clay wind chime's , first we had to make six clay shapes then we had to wait for them to dry (which took long)then it was the fun part , we got to paint them , then we could splatter paint them with a toothbrush, finally we made a macrame hanger(obviously to hang the wind chime)and we hung them up. My personal opinion of my favorite art would be Room 19/20 art.
Today (27 August 2015) We went to look at the art exhibition in the auditorium there were lots of amazing artworks there, Room 29/28 My classroom did clay wind chime's , first we had to make six clay shapes then we had to wait for them to dry (which took long)then it was the fun part , we got to paint them , then we could splatter paint them with a toothbrush, finally we made a macrame hanger(obviously to hang the wind chime)and we hung them up. My personal opinion of my favorite art would be Room 19/20 art.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Haiku Poem : Winter
My reflection
I was learning to write a Haiku poem. A Haiku poem is a poem about nature and it has five syllables in the first line and in the second line has seven then finally the last line has five so there's a pattern which is 575 , my first Haiku poem was about winter. My next step is to add more interesting phase's and words.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Term 3 Week 3
On Tuesday (4th August 2015) Youthtown came and we played games to practice our dribbling. For our warm up we played a game called Shark , Ship and shore , there we two blue cones lined up so that they were about 10 meters away from each other , the way you play is one of the Youthtlwn instructors would call out Shark , shore or ship and if they say one for example if they said shark we had to run to the middle and when we reached the middle we had to put our hands above our head so that it looked like a fin from a shark , and if they said shore we had to run to the other side of the court and wiggle our hands as if we were surfing and finally if they said ship we had to run to the opposite side of shore and when we got their we had to salute , the rules where that if we had run to slow we we're out , or if we ran the wrong way or did the wrong action we're out. The next game we played was like Last man standing but we had to bounce a ball around , what you had to do was you had to hit someone else's ball out of the court , but if you saved the ball from going outside of the square then your not out but at the same time we still had to dribble and every time 5 people (I think) got out we got smaller smaller space which I thought was really fun , and for the last round it was me .vs Aaron we hit our basketballs at the same time and they both rolled out of the circle.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Explanation writing :Brainstrom
My reflection
For this we had to plan for our explanation writing. I chose the topic How to make a banana milkshake. I thought this was really fun because I learnt how to make a banana milkshake or any flavour milkshake. My next step is to add more to the special features.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Chapter 2 Kensukes kingdom : Reading follow up
My reflection
For this reading task we had to answer questions from Chapter 2 of Kensuke's kingdom then for the last task we had to choose one of the sea animals that they saw on the Peggy sue and write 10 facts about them and label their body parts. My next step is to find better facts about the turtle.
Explanation writing: How to make a milkshake
My reflection
I was learning to write my own explanation writing , it was about how to make a milkshake. I had to choose a topic from a set of topics and I choose How to make a milkshake. My next step is to add more detail to my explanation writing.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Explanation text : Quiz
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My reflection I was learning to write a explanation (to describe something or tell the reader how it works). I had to do a quiz (which is above the text) about explanation writing . I thought is was fun because we had to play a game called Big Babies and when we felt like we knew what explanation text is we had to do this Quiz :Explanation Quiz and upload this to our blogs. My next step is to write my own explanation. |
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Term 3 Week 2
Kapa haka
On Tuesday (28th July 2015)the whole school went to the auditorium to watch an amazing Kapa haka group , before they preform for us we were asked to see which side worked hardest one side was the ants and the other side was the cicadas. For the first song they played a guitar,ukuleles and a drum , I thought this song was really long but it was a good song possible one of my favorite songs . The Kapa haka group were an adult/teen Kapa haka group I think they were a adult/teen group. They're were three boys (some could have been sick) and around ten girls , they did about five songs or around about , the girls did a haka with the boys standing in the back doing the same actions as the girls (that was possible the first time I have seen girls do a haka).
Friday, 24 July 2015
Tree planting
Tree Planting
Everyone was lining up just outside of the classroom waiting for the people who were getting changed.
When everyone was in the line we went down to the back of the field we walked along the gravel pathway when we reached the main location the main speaker Anna told us about how we were destroying our forest's for developments . Next we got into buddies and Carl showed us how to plant a plant , first we had to get the tip of the shovel dug into the ground four times so that it formed a square then we had to dig to out , now we had to put a fertiliser (a green thingy)in the hole , finally we had to put the plant in use the dirt/clay etc ti fill the gaps and then stomp on in(NOT THE PLANT)give it a little tug to see if its secure and fin. Next we got started , I was with Johnny , the plant we planted the most was a cabbage tree plant which went really well and Carl helped us with the digging. Johnny and I managed to get three done along with the help of Paul and Carl. Finally we finished up and everyone put they're shovels back were they found them, after that the boot of their car was open and it had a little place were we washed our hands , well the people were behind waiting in line someone passed soap so that people in the line could put soap on they're hands (which was very helpful). When everyone was finished they lined up into a huge group. My favorite part was we planted the trees/plants.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Making connections
This is my making connections slide , this slide is based on our books we read so like my one was The were puppy. We had to make connections from the book and link something similar from our memory's so for example Micky went to the park this reminds me of a time when I went to the park . I found this really fun.
This is my making connections slide , this slide is based on our books we read so like my one was The were puppy. We had to make connections from the book and link something similar from our memory's so for example Micky went to the park this reminds me of a time when I went to the park . I found this really fun.
Speech plan popplet
My reflection
This is my speech planning on Popplet , my speech was based on reading more books and it is a persuasive speech I think this is a really good speech topic because there are lots of facts about reading. I thought this was great.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Term 2 Week 10
Book fair
This morning (22 of June) we went to the book fair to look at some books my favourite books were there like Skulduggery pleasant series and the Tom gates series and there were posters and pens and Lego creations (how to make them) and sticker books. We had to fill out a wish list and we are suppose to ask if we can get the books one amazing book was really cheap it was How to make Darth Vader (Just his head) it was $19.00. I felt AWESOME AND AMAZING.
This morning (22 of June) we went to the book fair to look at some books my favourite books were there like Skulduggery pleasant series and the Tom gates series and there were posters and pens and Lego creations (how to make them) and sticker books. We had to fill out a wish list and we are suppose to ask if we can get the books one amazing book was really cheap it was How to make Darth Vader (Just his head) it was $19.00. I felt AWESOME AND AMAZING.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Term 2 Week 9
Yesterday (18th June) we did Matariki rotations the groups were set up in your house group I was in group 18. First we went to Room 3 to make kites with Mrs Worsfold and after that we went to Room 9 and coloured in the Matariki stars , after that we went to Room 25 and we made paper hands and put korus on them for a design and then we went back to class and we talked about what we did.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
My reflection
My reflection
I have been learning how to write a paragraph. I now know that every time you make a new paragraph it is based on a different subject. I found this quite easy because we just had to find out facts about your favourite animal. My next step is to write using paragraphs in all my writing.
I have been learning how to write a paragraph. I now know that every time you make a new paragraph it is based on a different subject. I found this quite easy because we just had to find out facts about your favourite animal. My next step is to write using paragraphs in all my writing.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Term 2 Week 7
On Friday morning we did our weekly tasks I just got started on my Hauora presentation for about an hour , after that we did jump jam but we could choose if we wanted to go or not I chose not to go because I wanted to try finish my tasks but sadly I didn't finish any , after morning tea we started up again on our weekly tasks. Finally it was home time !
Friday, 29 May 2015
Well being-Hauora
This is my well being/Hauora chart I put the sentences in the right order I had to read a presentation about hauora (well being) this presentation was thirteen slides long the four well being titles were Taha wairua (spirtual), Taha tinana(physical), Taha hinengaro (mental and emotional) and last is Taha whanau (social). This was kind of tricky at first but i've managed to completed it . I felt great
Monday, 18 May 2015
Addition and subtraction
My reflection
This slideshow teaches you how to use partitioning and it gives you examples to help. I did this with Johnny. This was part of our maths tasks.
Term 2 Week 5
Last Friday we did a Kahoot that was based on New Zealand we did two of them one had 20 questions for one of them and the other quiz had twelve . What Kahoot is you can make your own quiz and its very easy to make , you can add images but the only problem is that you need two or more devices because the one device you made your Kahoot on hosts it so the questions are on the device you made your kahoot on and also your image well if you added one if you want other people to join you need to be together in order to do it so when you start a pin will pop up and then you tell everyone they can join and finally you just a nickname and done .
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Hello in different languages
My reflection
I found this really fun finding hello in different languages it was pretty fun because friends help me .
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Interpret Diagrams
My Reflection
I found this tricky but in the end I figured it out in the end , It didn't take me long
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
On Sunday was the Elm park school gala. At the gala there was rides (yes motorbike rides) and shops (White elephant) and also the kapa haka group performed (i'm in kapa haka). I felt amazing
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
This amazing piece of artwork is our pepeha. As you can see the top triangle is our home the two next to it is our iwi (river) and the other triangle is our just really anything ,the bottom triangle is our mountain.
100 word challenge
Yesterday (Tuesday) we did the 100 hundred word challenge. This week I enjoyed doing the hundred word challenge because the teacher either gives us a picture or she would give us a four word sentence like "i ran so fast". I found this really really great an interesting !
Friday, 13 March 2015
My reflection
I found this fun because we had to think about positive things they can offer. My next step is to think of better positives to describe the person/animal.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Place value
My reflection
I think I found this a bit to easy because I knew my place value well. I found this really awesome, My next step is to use my place value in bigger numbers.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Term 1 Week 4
Last week we made our pepeha slide show which was pretty fun, the thing that I enjoyed most was choosing the pictures for the backgrounds like a picture of a mountain or Auckland (where you live.)
. The most challenging thing was actually finding the pictures. I have learnt to how to say my whole pepeha. I feel great about this work.
Friday, 13 February 2015
My African Praise poem
My reflection
I have been learning to write an African praise poem.
The best part of this is we got to compare our self to an animal. I found this easy because i thought of lots of ideas.
My next step is to use more interesting words.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
My 2015 welcome post
Welcome to my Year 5 learning blog. This year I am in room 28/29 and my teachers are Mrs Graham and Mrs Melville. I enjoy handwriting. This year I am looking forward to the class sleep over. I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.
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