Friday, 29 May 2015


Well being-Hauora
This is my well being/Hauora chart I put the sentences in the right order I had to read  a presentation about hauora (well being) this presentation was thirteen slides long  the four well being titles were Taha wairua (spirtual), Taha tinana(physical), Taha hinengaro (mental and emotional) and last is Taha whanau (social). This was kind of tricky at first but i've managed to completed  it . I felt great

Monday, 18 May 2015

Addition and subtraction

My reflection
This slideshow teaches you how to use partitioning and it gives you examples to help. I did this with Johnny. This was part of our maths tasks.

Term 2 Week 5

Last Friday we did a Kahoot that was based on New Zealand we did two of them one had 20 questions for one of them and the other quiz had twelve . What Kahoot is you can make your own quiz and its very easy to make , you can add images but the only problem is that you need two or more devices because the one device you made your Kahoot on hosts it so the questions are on the device you made your kahoot on and also your image well if you added one if you want other people to join you need to be together in order to do it so when you start a pin will pop up and then you tell everyone they can join and finally you just a nickname and done .